Friday, October 8, 2010

S/W Update for T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant Galaxy S

This morning, T-Mobile pushed a software update to my Samsung Vibrant Galaxy S - however, the phone would not install it as the battery level was lower than 75%!

After the install, here are the major changes that I noticed:
  1. HD Camcorder is now available in the list of applications
  2. Media Hub now works but the previews work only on Wi-Fi :(  This should have been allowed on 3G - I would sure like to watch the preview while traveling on the bus/train!
  3. Task Manager app is provided, however, I did not find it very useful as it did not show many of the running applications which the Advanced Task Killer free app shows.
Here are the current version numbers:
  • Firmware version: 2.1-update1
  • Baseband version: T959UVJI6
  • Kernel version: 2.6.29
  • Build number: ECLAIR.UVJI6
Now let's see when Froyo gets pushed - waiting for Android 2.2 for a lot of kool features to be enabled!

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