Tuesday, December 21, 2010

11 Free Productivity Tools for the office

Here's a list of 11 Free Tools to increase productivity at Work:
  1. 7-Zip:
    Category: Compression/Decompression
    Details: Compression utility that can handle almost all possible formats
    URL: http://www.7-zip.org
  2. Eclipse:
    Category: IDE
    Details: Very popular IDE that supports a vast array of languages and configurations
    URL: http://www.eclipse.org
  3. FileZilla:
    Category: FTP Client (& Server)
    Details: FTP Client and server with lots of options
    URL: http://filezilla-project.org
  4. PuTTY:
    Category: Telnet/SSH
    Details: Very simple but powerful Telnet/SSH client
    URL: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
  5. PuTTy Connection Manager:
    Category: Telnet/SSH
    Details: Allows docking of multiple PuTTY session windows as Tabs and allows user to create a database of connections that includes user names, passwords, script to run after login, etc.
    URL: http://puttycm.free.fr
  6. Notepad++:
    Category: Editor
    Details: Very simple, but powerful and full featured editor that supports syntax highlighting, plug-ins, macros, regexes, etc.
    URL: http://notepad-plus-plus.org
  7. OpenOffice:
    Category: Office Software
    Details: Full featured replacement for the cos$tly M$ Office Suite of products. Includes software for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.
    URL: http://www.openoffice.org
  8. PDFCreator:
    Category: Office Software
    Details: Create PDF files from any application.
    URL: http://www.pdfforge.org/pdfcreator/
  9. VirtualDimension:
    Category: Desktop Manager
    Details: Fast and full-featured virtual desktop manager that allows you to create virtual desktops on Windows just like X-Win.
    URL: http://virt-dimension.sourceforge.net
  10. VistaSwitcher:
    Category: Task Manager
    Details: Replaces the default Windows Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks, with their names and preview snapshots, and enables the user to take actions on them using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts.
    URL: http://www.ntwind.com/software/vistaswitcher/
  11. WinMerge:
    Category: Development
    Details: Visual diff and merge tool for Windows that can compare both folders and files
    URL: http://winmerge.org

Other good free softwares that I also considered were:
  1. PSPad:
    Category: Editor
    Details: Another powerful and full featured editor that supports syntax highlighting, plug-ins, macros, regexes, etc.
    URL: http://www.pspad.com
  2. PDFReDirect:
    Category: Office Software
    Details: Another simple software to create PDF files.
    URL: http://www.exp-systems.com
  3. DiffMerge:
    Category: Development
    Details: Visual diff and merge tool for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux that can compare both folders and files
    URL: http://www.sourcegear.com/diffmerge/
  4. Toad Free:
    Category: Database Access
    Details: Free version of the powerful Toad for Oracle with a few features disabled.
    URL: http://www.toadworld.com/Freeware/tabid/680/Default.aspx
  5. SQLDeveloper for Oracle:
    Category: Database Access
    Details: Oracle client provided by Oracle
    URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/overview/index.html

Please let me know if you see other good free software worthy of including in the above list!

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